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What Are Bifocal Glasses And Are They Worth Getting?

What Are Bifocal Glasses And Are They Worth Getting?

Bifocal glasses have lenses which are split into two parts, accommodating two different prescriptions in one lens. The upper portion of the lens is for distance vision. The lower portion of the lens has a different prescription, usually for near vision.

Why are bifocal glasses worth getting?

Bifocal glasses are worth getting if you have two different prescriptions because they can accommodate both in one lens so that you can easily switch between the two.

For example, wearers can use the distance portion of the lens the majority of the time, then quickly switch by looking through the bottom part of their lens for near-sighted activities, like looking at their phone or a computer screen.

This is more convenient than having to switch between two different glasses constantly.

Types of bifocal lenses

The bottom portion of the bifocal lens, which accommodates near vision, can come in different designs. This area of the lens varies in shape, depending on the wearer’s needs.

Shapes include a half-moon, circle, narrow rectangle or the full bottom half of the lens.

How are bifocal lenses different to varifocal lenses?

Bifocal lenses are a combination of two different prescriptions, whereas varifocal lenses combine three prescriptions — usually distance vision, intermediate vision and near vision.

Unlike bifocals, varifocals transition between prescriptions seamlessly with no definite line between them. Because of this, they look more like standard glasses, whereas bifocal glasses are more apparent.

You can read more about the differences between bifocal and varifocal lenses here.

How to tell if you need bifocal glasses

As we get older, it becomes harder to read or focus on items up close. This condition is called presbyopia and is a natural part of the ageing process.

If you start noticing it’s harder to use a phone or read a book up close and are holding items further away to view them properly, you may be starting to notice presbyopia.

If you already wear glasses and start noticing presbyopia, it may be time to get bifocal or varifocal glasses. If you don’t already wear glasses, you may just need single-vision lenses. Our varifocal Lenses are available for you to view on the prescription journey, however, if you would like to know about our bifocal options please Book an appointment with an optician to discuss the best option for you.

For more information on our lenses, check out our lenses page!