Discover the benefits of chamomile tea for your eye health

Benefits of using natural remedies for your health are taken back to the ancient world before Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin or Marie Curie discovered radium people harnessed the healing properties of herbal teas. Today, the use of natural remedies is not as common. However, if you are looking for a quick, at home remedy to improve your eye health, going to a local shop and buying tea bags may be just as useful as a trip to the doctors! Here is our guide to which tea is the most useful to heal any problems with your eye health.
What are the benefits of using tea bags on the eyes? It might seem strange to use tea bags on your eyes for health reasons, but they are a popular natural remedy to treat irritation, a stye or a black eye. They are also commonly used to help reduce the appearance of your eyes by reducing dark circles, puffiness and redness.
You can buy tea bags from any local supermarket; they are an easily accessible, affordable natural option which you can try at home. Not only does placing tea bags on your eyes improve your eye health but it also gives you the chance to relax, which is beneficial to your overall health.
This is a simple process, steep two tea bags into boiling water and squeeze the bags like you usually do when you drink tea. Once the tea has drained, allow the tea bags to cool down. If you don’t want to wait for the tea bags to naturally cool, pop the in the freezer or fridge so they cool down quickly.
Once you have two cool tea bags (or in some cases just warm) place them on your closed eyes for 15-30 minutes. Remember to use this time to relax. Use your fingers to gently massage the area around your eyes and cover with two slices of cucumber for added cooling relief.
You don’t have to only use chamomile tea; there is a range of tea bags which can be beneficial to your eye health. Although to avoid chemicals, we advise sticking to organic teas.
Herbal teas help reduce inflammation, puffiness and irritation. Some examples of herbal teas are:
- Rooibos
- Chamomile
- Lavender
- Eyebright (Clary sage)
- Calendula
- Comfrey
- Fennel
- Fenugreek
However you can use teas which contain caffeine. Caffeine has anti-oxidant that help benefit your eye health. These include:
- Black
- White
- Green
There are a number of factors that can contribute to swollen eyes, and whilst this irritating beauty flaw can sometimes simply be an indication that you need a little extra sleep, or have an allergy, often they are the result of the unpreventable – for instance hormonal changes.
Teas to use:
- Eyebright
- Rooibos
- Chamomile
Caffeinated teas will also help for this problem as the antioxidants have an anti-inflammatory effect. The most effective tea we advise to use is green tea as it has the most high flavanoid levels.
Chamomile tea can do wonders for treating conjunctivitis – it could even save you an expensive trip to the chemist…
To use chamomile to treat your conjunctivitis just boil some chamomile tea using either one tea bag or one teaspoon of the tea, and let it brew for 5 minutes. When the tea is ready and you have washed your hands thoroughly, take an organic cotton wall pad (these can be purchased in most supermarkets) and dip it in the tea.
Finally, squeeze a little drop of the tea into your eye, wiping from inner to outer, then immediately throw away the pad. To see the best results, this should be repeated every couple of hours over the course of a day
Other Teas recommended helping conjunctivitis:
- Calendula
- Chamomile
- Fennel
- Eyebright
- Green tea
If you suffer from dark circles under your eyes and you want to get rid of them we recommend applying black or green cold tea bags. Make sure you use caffeinated tea as this helps narrow the blood vessels around your eyes and constrict blood flow.
Two teas are best when treating styes:
- Black tea
- Chamomile
Chamomile is used to soothe and heal irritated skin. Black tea however is used to reduce swelling and irritation as it is high in tannin content which has antibacterial and analgesic properties.
To treat red eyes:
- Chamomile
- Rooibos
- Green Tea is the most effective. Red eyes can be sore so the anti-inflammatory properties will help reduce swelling.
Soothe dry eyes easily from home with a choice of three teas:
- Black
- Eyebright
- Lavender
Use these teas warm to help retain moisture and elevate dryness.
To help reduce inflammation caused by Rosacea use these teas:
- Lavender
- Chamomile
- Green
These teas will be the most useful in reducing redness and irritation.
To treat black eyes use these teas warm:
- Black
- Green
- Lavender
- Chamomile
Caffeinated teas will reduce swelling and bruising through the anti inflammation properties. Lavender and chamomile teas can be natural pain relief remedies to soothe any irritated skin.
- Wash your hands before this treatment
- Remove all your makeup and wash your face
- Remove contact lenses
- Do not use tea bags that contain staples
- Make sure your tea bags are just warm or cold
- Use unbleached tea bags
- Whilst natural teas can indeed do wondrous things for your eyes, in some instances it can cause an allergic reaction. As you should before experimenting with any natural medicinal method, make sure to do your research and consult with your eye doctor.
- Note: A reaction to chamomile is more likely to occur if you have an allergy to a plant in the same family such as chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies or ragweed.
We hope our guide has helped improve your eye health!
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