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How to Improve your Eyesight

How to Improve your Eyesight


How to Improve Your Eyesight: What Are the Myths?

From eye strain and poor health to age-related vision deterioration, several things can affect eyesight throughout our lives. But aside from spectacles, new lenses or surgery, can eyesight improve without an external intervention?

How to Improve Your Eye Health

Many factors can impact our eyesight throughout life, from daily screen time to age-related changes. But can we truly improve our vision naturally, without relying on glasses or surgery? Let's explore the facts and debunk some common myths.

Nutrition Can Reverse Vision Loss

While a healthy diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants is crucial for overall health, it can't magically fix existing vision problems. Fruits and vegetables like carrots (rich in Vitamin A) and those containing Lutein (an eye pigment antioxidant) are excellent for eye health, but they won't reverse vision loss. If you experience declining vision, prioritise a healthy diet, but also schedule an eye exam with a professional.

Eye Exercises Will Improve Your Vision

The idea of eye exercises strengthening vision has been around for decades, but there's no scientific evidence to support it. These exercises won't eliminate the need for corrective lenses or surgery. However, regularly taking breaks from screens (which emit blue light) can reduce eye strain and improve your overall comfort.

The Truth: Eye Care and Regular Checkups are Key

While maintaining a healthy diet and reducing screen time are important for your well-being, correcting vision issues requires professional help. Here's how to truly improve your eye health:

  • Regular Eye Exams: Schedule routine eye checkups to ensure you're not straining your eyes unnecessarily and to monitor your vision for any changes.
  • Corrective Eyewear: Glasses, contacts, or even refractive surgery (in extreme cases) can significantly improve your vision and reduce eye strain.

By prioritising eye care and addressing vision problems with an optician, you can experience a significant improvement in your sight.

Speak to our optician for more information on your prescription glasses.