What are Polarised Sunglasses and are they really better?

Our guide to polarised sunglasses:
The internet is filled with a truckload of information, most of it conflicting at times. You’re probably looking to buy a nice pair of sunglasses with good quality lenses that will help you feel stylish and keep your eyes healthy. You’re also wondering whether or not you should pay extra for the polarised sunglasses and if the polarised lenses will make any difference at all. This guide will answer these questions and inform you of the advantages and disadvantages of polarised sunglasses when compared to normal lenses.
What is polarised light?
Polarised light is defined as the light reflected by any surface; so this would be the light that is reflected whilst walking on the beach, driving, and skiing on the mountains. So a polarised lens would be the shield that would block this reflected light from damaging your eyes whilst offering protection. As a result, you will feel less strain on your eyes in polarised sunglasses making you more comfortable and ready to do activities in bright lighting conditions.

Polarised lenses are very beneficial due to the fact that they offer higher levels of contrast and clarity when compared to normal lenses. For example, when looking into the water – you will be able to see right into it, whereas if you are wearing normal lenses what you would see would be the surface glare. This is why polarised sunglasses are so popular for fishing. A pair of polarised sunglasses could make all the difference between winning the carp fishing championships or going home empty-handed. Furthermore, when driving in the direct view of the sunlight, glare would be eliminated so you can see the road ahead clearly in comfort. This is all possible thanks to the special filter found in polarised lenses that cuts glare like a sharp knife.
Polarised lenses are not to be confused with gradient lenses as they are two very different things. Gradient lenses have a darker tint at the top which means them great for blocking overhead sunlight; they allow more light in from the bottom lightly tinted half which increases the clarity and your field of vision.
There are many brands that do polarised sunglasses very well. One of our newest brands is Revo, from the makers of Oakley and Ray-Ban. They have different lens colours for different purposes but they're all polarised and developed using NASA technology. Oakley, a well-known name in sports sunglasses is another good brand if you're looking for polarised sunglasses for skiing, running or cycling. If you prefer classic styles like Aviators, Wayfarer sunglasses or Clubmaster, Ray-Ban is doing all their original models in the polarised versions as well.
Ray-Ban has been developing its lenses for decades and has made sure to have stylish frames that go with their awesome polarised lenses. A “P” sign on your Ray-Ban sunglasses will indicate whether or not they are polarised or not. They offer 3 different qualities for these types of lenses: P, P3, and P3Plus. The P class lenses have an anti-reflective coating which is mainly for clearer vision and comfort. The P3 has all the qualities of the regular P class but with added Oleo Hydrophobic coating – this is for longer-lasting lenses as well as cleaning. The P3Plus has all the qualities of the previous two with added colour enhancement features which give increased colour definition and contrast.
So which polarised sunglasses are best for you?
We have a range of polarised sunglasses for you to shop. But we will help you with your search and narrow it down so you can shop the best.